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Sunday, September 17, 2017

صید تارپون به وزن های ۵۰ و ۷۰ کیلو‌گرم‌ با سیستم‌ فلای فیشینگ‌

صید تارپون به وزن های ۵۰ و ۷۰ کیلو‌گرم‌ با سیستم‌ فلای فیشینگ‌ توسط ابی فیشر

Giant Tarpon on the Fly in Southern Costa Rica - Ebi Fisher

 Tarponville Costa Rica - Fly Fishing for Giant Tarpon - Ebi fisher




 Scott Baker-Mcgarva your idea of using skipper fisher as training Fighting for the wild Tarpon worked out quite well Skipper got a great workout and was happy and I was very happy caught those incredible jumpers so I give many thanks to Scott all is fishermen have great ideas ,hats off to Scott thank you 🙏

Tarponville Costa Rica - Fly Fishing for Giant Tarpon - Ebi fisher

Finally we Spotted a giant school of Tarpon rolling on the waters it was amazing I can't believe we have spotted such an amazing event it is a fly fisherman's dream ! yeah to see such an amazing event ! oh my god ! oh my god we were so excited it's crazy The Tarpon were hunting the small beat fish that were swarming in the waters there's so many of them I was shocked we were all shocked When I was stripping the fly I can't believe a giant tarp and smashed my fly it was surreal The giant tarpon went on the boat and tried to break my ride he was wild so very wild it's kind of spooky but it was fun Finally caught the Tarpon and we made history and it was a dream come true yeah I loved every minute of it and thank you Katie Watson for everything it was a wonderful trip we all enjoyed it this experience fly fishing for ever 

Photographer : Katy Watson

Giant Tarpon On the fly Costa Rica Tarponville - Tarpon rolling

It is with a major respect that I caught a tarpon on the fly it was one of my best fishing experiences ever I will never forget after catching this wonderful fish I had myself a good cry As I could not believe what has happened I am forever grateful to everyone involved with this great fishing event at Tarpon Village in Costa Rica all I can say is oh my God I can't believe but it happened thank you thank you thank you love love love

Thought I would share another great fish in the family of "Jumpers", the Tarpon !!! I am pretty lucky to have Giant Tarpon in my life!!! @tarponville_fishing_lodge One of the best fisheries in the world for large tarpon !!!
a special thanks to @katywat and @interiorflyfishingco
#tarpon #tarpononfly #flyfishing

What is amazing trip we had in Costa Rica a @tarponville_fishing_lodge it was so much fun with everyone I met was so many amazing people John- Jordan @sryvatoloco11 , Reneex @zinderhund Alex @salmonibae and a big shout out to ♥️🙏♥️ @katywat  who helped plan this amazing event we thank you thank you thank you I loved every minute of it I want to thank the fishing guides ,the people of made all the food and the people working at the lodge it was incredible, the first couple of days was raining and then I hit luck went out and caught two fish monster fish one about 130 pounds and 140 pounds (60 Kg and 70 Kg ) I was so happy I was crying when I caught the fish I could not believe my luck it was Happyville all over again I got both of them within one hour all they where beautiful and so wonderful to put them back where they came from the deep blue sea's of the ocean I would totally do this trip again it was well worth it oh and the animals and the bugs monkeys screaming in the trees early in the morning lots of monster spiders it was crazy but well worth experiencing happy to all of us who went on this glorious trip I loved every minute of it but happy to be back home my skipper dog missed me very much he was so happy to see me jumping around like a little lamb ♥️Again a big thanks to @katywat and @interiorflyfishingco
tarpononthefly #tarpon #flyfishing #CostaRica

best chance at some of the most powerful Tarpon you will ever encounter !

 M E S S A G E   F R O M  I N T E R I O R  F L Y  F I S H I N G.......

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Squamish river 14 september 2017 pink salmon fishing

Squamish river 14 september 2017 pink salmon fishing

Squamish river 14 september 2017 pink salmon fishing

Squamish river 14 september 2017 pink salmon fishing

Squamish river 14 september 2017 pink salmon fishing

ماده یوزپلنگ میاندشت توله هایش مورد هجوم سگ های گله قرار گرفتند

ماده یوزپلنگ میاندشت توله هایش مورد هجوم سگ های گله قرار گرفتند

 یک ماده یوزپلنگ و سه توله اش که چند شب قبل (دوشنبه ۹۶/۶/۲۰) توسط محیط بانان  پناهگاه حیات وحش میاندشت (محیط بان کمال اخوان) مشاهده شده بودند (لینک مربوطه) صبح امروز (پنجشنبه) هنگامیکه حدود ۲ کیلومتر از حاشیه شمالی منطقه خارج شده و به یک دامداری نزدیک شده بودند مورد هجوم سگ های گله قرار گرفتند.

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

آدرس اینستگرام‌ابی فیشر

دوستان عزیز خوشحال میشم در اینستگرام با هم باشیم ❤

Monday, September 4, 2017

Pink salmon 4 Sep 2017 Squamish river

Pink salmon 4 Sep 2017 Squamish river


آموزش صید سالمون‌پینگ با سیستم فلای فیشینگ در ونکوور

آرشیو عکس های ماهیگیری که برای این سالمون در گذشته رفتم‌


Spey fishing Squamish river for pink salmon

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Vancouver persian sport fishing magazine

Vancouver persian sport fishing magazine

مجله ماهیگیری ورزشی ونکوور

chum slamon center pin

همه چیز درباره فلای فیشینگ

نتیجه دور اول مسابقه پشه بافی 

دور دوم مسابقه پشه بافی

سری دوم مسابقات عکس های ماهیگیری ورزشی ایران

سری دوم مسابقات عکس های ماهیگیری ورزشی ایران 12 عکس برتر مسابقه

نتیجه دور سوم مسابقات پشه بافی

نتیجه دوره چهارم مسابقات پشه بافی

روش بافت pheasant tail nymph

همه چیز درباره فلای فیشینگ

Totem Fly Fishers gathering Art Lingren

  Totem Fly Fishers gathering Art Lingren Honored to join the Totem Fly Fishers gathering, where the legendary Art Lingren shared insights f...