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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

‏Swing flies for steelhead on the Vedder River in Chilliwack, BC.

Swing flies for steelhead on the Vedder River in Chilliwack, BC.

Catching my first steelhead using a fly fishing system, specifically the spey system, was an unforgettable achievement for me. It was not just about landing a fish; it was the culmination of years of effort, practice, and dedication to mastering a method that many consider one of the most challenging in the world of angling.

I had always been fascinated by the idea of catching a steelhead on the swing. The technique, “Swing the Fly,” is a poetic dance between the angler, the rod, and the river. It requires precision, patience, and, most importantly, perseverance. Living in Chilliwack, British Columbia, and fishing in the Vedder River, I knew I had access to one of the most renowned steelhead rivers in the region. However, the challenge of catching these elusive fish using a spey rod was something I had yet to conquer.

The journey started several years ago when I decided to transition from conventional fishing methods to fly fishing. At first, it was incredibly intimidating. Casting a spey rod felt awkward and foreign. I watched countless videos, attended workshops, and spent hours on the river practicing my casts. My friends and mentors offered advice, but the learning curve was steep. There were days when I felt like giving up, especially when I would spend hours in the cold water without so much as a tug on the line.

Steelhead are known as the “fish of a thousand casts,” and I quickly understood why. These fish are not only rare but also highly selective. Each cast I made with my spey rod felt like a prayer, hoping that the fly swinging across the current would entice a strike. I experimented with different fly patterns, but chartreuse flies, which have always been my favorite, seemed to give me the most confidence.

The winter of twenty twenty-four was particularly challenging. The weather in Chilliwack was cold and wet, and the Vedder River’s conditions fluctuated frequently. Yet, I made a promise to myself: I would not give up until I caught my first steelhead using the spey system. Each day after work, I would head to the river, sometimes before sunrise and often until sunset. My hands would ache from the cold, and my legs would feel numb from wading in the icy water, but my determination never wavered.

Then, in the final days of twenty twenty-four, it happened. It was a crisp, cloudy morning on the Vedder River. The water levels were perfect—slightly colored but still clear enough for the fish to see the fly. I tied on a chartreuse fly, made a smooth cast, and let the fly swing across the current. As the fly reached the end of the swing, I felt a subtle tap. My heart skipped a beat. I paused for a moment, letting the fish take the fly fully, and then set the hook.

The battle that followed was exhilarating. The steelhead took off with a powerful run, peeling line off my reel. My spey rod bent deeply, absorbing the fish’s energy as I carefully managed the fight. I knew I had to keep the tension just right—not too tight to risk breaking the line, but not too loose to let the fish shake the hook. The fish leapt out of the water several times, its silver body glistening in the morning light. Each jump felt like a moment of suspense, and I could feel my adrenaline surging.

After what felt like an eternity but was probably only a few minutes, I finally guided the steelhead into the shallow water. It was a magnificent fish—bright silver with hints of pink along its lateral line. Holding it in my hands, I felt a sense of accomplishment that words cannot fully describe. This was the moment I had worked so hard for, the result of countless hours of practice, dedication, and persistence.

As I released the steelhead back into the Vedder River, I took a moment to reflect on the journey. Catching this fish was not just about the thrill of the fight or the beauty of the steelhead itself. It was about proving to myself that I could rise to the challenge, embrace the learning process, and succeed in mastering a technique that I had once found daunting.

Swinging a fly for steelhead with a spey rod is more than a fishing method; it’s an art form, a test of patience, and a celebration of nature. For me, it has become a way of life. The Vedder River, with its stunning scenery and challenging waters, is more than just a fishing spot—it is my sanctuary, a place where I feel connected to the land, the water, and myself.

This experience has strengthened my love for fly fishing and reaffirmed my decision to dedicate myself entirely to this method. Moving forward, I am more inspired than ever to continue refining my skills, learning from each cast, and sharing my passion with others. Catching my first steelhead with the spey system on the Vedder River in my hometown of Chilliwack is a memory I will cherish forever, a story I will proudly tell for years to come.

Ebi fisher

Monday, December 30, 2024

‏The First Steelhead in the Vedder River, Chilliwack

The First Steelhead I Caught with Fly Fishing: A Story of Determination and Success

The First Steelhead in the Vedder River, Chilliwack

Life is full of moments and experiences that set us apart from others. For me, fishing has always been a big part of my life, but the experience of catching my first steelhead with a fly fishing system in my hometown river was one of the most special and proudest moments of my journey.

The Beginning of the Adventure

Years ago, when I first learned about fly fishing, I never imagined that one day I would use this technique to catch one of the world’s most challenging fish—the steelhead. These fish are legendary for their strength, intelligence, and relentless spirit, earning them the title of “the fish of dreams.”

I live in a beautiful city in Canada, where the rivers are a paradise for professional anglers. But for me, fishing wasn’t just about the catch; it was a story of persistence and personal growth.

The Learning Process

Fly fishing isn’t something you can master easily. It requires precision, patience, and countless hours of practice. When I decided to target steelhead with this technique, I had to start from scratch. From choosing the right equipment, like spey rods and specific lines, to mastering casting techniques and managing lines in fast-moving waters—it was a steep learning curve.

At first, I faced a lot of failures. I spent days and hours by the river without even a single strike. But those challenges fueled my determination.

The Day Everything Changed

After weeks of effort and sleepless nights, on a cold winter day by the river, luck finally turned in my favor. As I made another cast, I suddenly felt the line go heavy. My heart raced—was it really a steelhead? What followed was one of the most memorable moments of my life.

Steelhead are famous for their incredible fight once hooked. This fish battled for over ten minutes, leaping high out of the water and doing everything it could to escape. But I remained calm and focused, using all my skills to maintain control.

A Moment of Pride

When I finally brought that steelhead to shore, I felt like I had achieved one of the greatest accomplishments of my life. Not just as an angler, but as one of the few Iranians to achieve such a feat using fly fishing, it was a moment of immense pride.

Fly fishing is not a widely recognized method in our culture. For me, this experience wasn’t just a personal triumph but also an opportunity to introduce this technique to others. Today, I am proud to be one of the few Iranian anglers who have successfully caught such an extraordinary fish using fly fishing.


This experience wasn’t just about catching a fish; it was about the value of patience, perseverance, and working towards your goals. Looking back, I’m glad I never gave up and that I continue to push forward on this path.

Fishing, especially fly fishing, is more than just a recreational activity for me. It’s a philosophy of life that has taught me how to face challenges, push myself, and move towards my dreams with determination.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

اولین استیلهدی که با سیستم فلای فیشینگ گرفتم: داستانی از تلاش و موفقیت

زندگی هر فردی پر از لحظات و تجربیاتی است که او را از دیگران متمایز می‌کند. برای من، ماهیگیری همیشه بخشی از زندگی‌ام بوده است، اما تجربه گرفتن اولین استیلهد با سیستم فلای فیشینگ در رودخانه محل زندگی‌ام، یکی از خاص‌ترین و افتخارآمیزترین لحظات عمرم بود.

آغاز ماجراجویی

سال‌ها پیش، زمانی که برای اولین بار با فلای فیشینگ آشنا شدم، تصور نمی‌کردم که روزی بتوانم این تکنیک را برای گرفتن یکی از چالش‌برانگیزترین ماهی‌های دنیا، یعنی استیلهد، به کار ببرم. استیلهدها ماهی‌هایی هستند که به دلیل قدرت، هوش، و طبیعت خستگی‌ناپذیرشان به “ماهی رؤیاها” مشهورند.

من در شهری زیبا در کانادا زندگی می‌کنم، جایی که رودخانه‌های بی‌نظیرش مقصد بسیاری از ماهیگیران حرفه‌ای است. اما برای من، این فقط درباره ماهیگیری نبود؛ بلکه داستان اراده و پیشرفت بود.

مسیر یادگیری

فلای فیشینگ تکنیکی نیست که به سادگی بتوانید آن را یاد بگیرید. این روش به دقت، صبر، و تمرین زیادی نیاز دارد. وقتی تصمیم گرفتم که استیلهدها را با این روش صید کنم، باید همه چیز را از پایه یاد می‌گرفتم. از انتخاب تجهیزات مناسب، مانند اسپِی‌رادها و نخ‌های خاص، تا تکنیک‌های پرتاب و مدیریت نخ در آب‌های جاری.

در ابتدا، شکست‌های زیادی را تجربه کردم. روزها و ساعت‌های زیادی را کنار رودخانه می‌گذراندم بدون این که حتی یک ضربه کوچک به نخ من وارد شود. اما همین سختی‌ها بود که به من انگیزه داد.

روزی که همه چیز تغییر کرد

بعد از هفته‌ها تلاش و بی‌خوابی، یک روز سرد زمستانی کنار رودخانه، بالاخره شانس به من روی آورد. در حالی که پرتاب‌های متوالی انجام می‌دادم، ناگهان حس کردم نخ من سنگین شد. قلبم به شدت می‌تپید؛ آیا واقعاً استیلهد بود؟ مبارزه‌ای که شروع شد، یکی از به‌یادماندنی‌ترین لحظات زندگی من بود.

استیلهدها معروفند به این که پس از صید، برای فرار تمام قدرتشان را به کار می‌گیرند. این ماهی بیش از ده دقیقه مبارزه کرد، به جهش‌های بلند در آب پرداخت و تلاش کرد از دست من فرار کند. اما من با همه توانم، با دقت و آرامش، موفق شدم کنترل را به دست بگیرم.

افتخاری بزرگ

لحظه‌ای که این استیلهد را از آب بیرون آوردم، حس کردم یکی از بزرگ‌ترین دستاوردهای عمرم را رقم زده‌ام. نه فقط به عنوان یک ماهیگیر، بلکه به عنوان یکی از معدود ایرانیانی که توانسته‌اند چنین دستاوردی را با فلای فیشینگ ثبت کنند، احساس افتخار می‌کردم.

فلای فیشینگ در فرهنگ ما روش چندان شناخته‌شده‌ای نیست، و برای من این تجربه نه تنها یک موفقیت شخصی، بلکه فرصتی بود برای معرفی این تکنیک به دیگران. امروز، من به عنوان یکی از انگشت‌شمار ماهیگیران ایرانی شناخته می‌شوم که توانسته‌اند با فلای فیشینگ چنین ماهی خارق‌العاده‌ای را صید کنند.


این تجربه برای من فقط درباره گرفتن یک ماهی نبود؛ بلکه درباره ارزش صبر، پشتکار، و تلاش برای رسیدن به اهداف بود. حالا که به گذشته نگاه می‌کنم، خوشحالم که هرگز تسلیم نشدم و همچنان به مسیر خود ادامه می‌دهم.

ماهیگیری، به ویژه فلای فیشینگ، برای من چیزی فراتر از یک فعالیت تفریحی است. این یک فلسفه زندگی است که به من یاد داد چگونه در مواجهه با سختی‌ها، خودم را به چالش بکشم و با اراده به سوی اهدافم حرکت کنم.


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