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Tuesday, December 4, 2018

cutty & dolly and sunshine in first december in Squamish River

cutty & dolly and sunshine in first December
 in Squamish River

Squamish River

They used to call them #dollyvarden #trout which is a much nicer name in my opinion. . So depending on how you count, I caught 2 my buddy caught same 2 fish ! #Bulltrout aggressively take the fly, and then bury themselves toward the bottom. They are strong fighters, and act more like a #browntrout than a #rainbowtrout. I was able to control the fishes and keep them away from several logs that they were determined to get to! Bull trout love to ambush smaller fish.

Squamish River

 Squamish River

Squamish River

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cutty & dolly and sunshine in first december in Squamish River

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